Wednesday, July 30, 2014

2014 July Ford Motor Plant

Above a statue of Henry Ford encouraging a young man to pursue higher education.  In the background is the Rouge Ford Motor Company plant.
The museum started us out with a great film showing the history of Ford Motor Company.   They had several wonderful old cars on display. 
Notice the price of these automobiles on the plaque below each one. 

Below to the right is the assembly plant for Ford Truck 150's.  They produce 600 a day.  It's one of the most advanced assembly plants in the world.  Henry Ford was a terrific innovator, always looking for ways to improve the assembly line process.  The innovation continued after his death.  I just wondered how proud he would have been of this amazing plant.  The roof of the plant is covered with vegetation to help keep it cool.

Cliff decided he's got to have a 150 now.  This 150 Raptor had all the bells and whistles.  Again, no photos were allowed in the plant.  They had a raised platform all around the edge of the assembly area so you could walk through and see each part of the assembly.  I loved seeing how it all came together.

After the Ford plant tour, we visited the Ford Museum.  You could spend a week in this museum.  One interesting display was the limousines that past presidents have used. 
Eisenhower's limo above.

Truman's limo above.
An original VW camper.  Was camping fun then?  Probably!!
After the museum, we took a quick tour of Greenfield Village.  Another area you could spend a full day in.  Henry Ford grew up in this home with 5 brothers and sisters.  When would the car have been invented if Henry had stayed on the farm? 

Cliff viewing the exterior of the Ford home.  Greenfield Village is a great reproduction of the late 1800's era.  Many shops and restaurants.  We ate at a restaurant that served period food.  No cokes, just Strawberry sasparilla.   I had fried perch. 

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