Sunday, July 20, 2014

2014 July Marquette


Above, Cliffs Iron Ore processing plant in Marquette.  Here they take the mined ore and make the pellets to purify the ore and make it easier to transport.
The dock above used to load the big freighters.

It's remarkable that this early design from 1859 is still used today.  Only bigger.

In the Iron Ore Museum, they had this set up to show children how the pellets were loaded from the docks down the chutes and into the freighters.

Above iron ore as it looks when it's mined.  Below the pettets after it is processed.

Iron ore was discovered just South of Marquette in 1847.  It was mined from underground for many years. Below is a modern open pit mine. 
Below, one freighter headed to pick up ore, the other to deliver it probably to Burns Harbor, Indiana to Bethlehem Steel.

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